Wed, Jul 05, 23.

John 16

John 16:8 When he comes, he will convict the kosmos of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment

The Holy Spirit will convict the world of guilt through its testimony about Jesus.

“When the Counsellor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.” [Joh 15:26-27]

And how does the Holy Spirit testify of Jesus, it is through

  1. The miracles he does through the servants of the Lord Jesus Christ and
  2. The testimony of God’s word through the servants of the Lord Jesus Christ

John 16:9 in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me

(We should not miss the fact that all these guilts have to do with the testimony of the Spirit about the Son.)

The guilt of the world in regard to sin is in the fact that they rejected Jesus Christ who offered them freedom from sin, which means that they don’t want to be free from sin. Jesus made it known to the world, in words and deeds, that he was their hope of freedom from sin, to reject him is to reject freedom from sin.

Jesus the Hope of Freedom from Sin

The guilt of the world in regard to sin has to do with the fact that they rejected Jesus [Joh 15:22-25].

“If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates me hates my Father as well. If I had not done among them what no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have seen these miracles, and yet they have hated both me and my Father.” [Joh 15:22-24]

It is as though, they don’t want to be free from sin; they love it, that is why they reject Jesus Christ [Joh 3:19-21]

Jesus offered freedom from sin, rejecting Jesus means that the world does not want to be free from sin.

How the Spirit Convicts the World of Guilt With Regard to Sin

By showing that Jesus whom the world rejected could have freed them from sin.

The Holy Spirit would further testify of Jesus as the Christ, the Saviour of the world, through the miracles he empowers the disciples of Jesus to perform in the Name of Christ and they still would not believe in Christ. By showing that Jesus indeed is the Son of God who could truly have set men free from their bondage to sin, the Holy Spirit testifies against the world that they do not want to be free from their sins.

John 16:10 in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer

(We should not miss the fact that all these guilts have to do with the testimony of the Spirit about the Son.)

The guilt of the world in regard to righteousness is in killing Jesus Christ who was by all accounts righteous. Jesus’ access to heaven is proof that he is righteous. The Holy Spirit’s witness (through the miracles in Jesus’ name and through the Gospel, the Scriptures correctly interpreted)that Jesus is in God’s presence is a witness against the world of its guilt in rejecting, condemning and killing one so righteous, the Righteous One

Jesus the Righteous One

Jesus’ going to heaven, proves that he is righteous, that he is indeed not of this world and free from sin [Joh 8:21-24]. Jesus is not a slave to sin, he is righteous.

Because God the Father is Righteous [Joh 17:25], there is no way Jesus, or anyone else, could have gone to the Father’s presence if he were not righteous. Jesus going to heaven shows that he is righteous and so the world is guilty of killing a righteous man [Act 3:14; 7:52].

Hating Jesus is hating the Father. Hating the Lord Jesus is hating righteousness.

“He who hates me hates my Father as well. If I had not done among them what no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have seen these miracles, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’” [Joh 15:23-25]

It is was beyond question that Jesus was unlike any prophet before him. No one ever performed as many miracles as he did, and he performed miracles no one performed before him. It was beyond question that Jesus was righteous, for he could not do the things he did if he were not righteous, if God were not with him. Therefore, killing him was indeed killing a righteous man, and this guilt remains upon the world

How the Spirit Convicts the World of Guilt With Regard to Righteousness

By showing the world that Jesus Christ whom they condemned was righteous.

The Spirit will further confirm to the world that Jesus is righteous, that he is who he claimed to be and who we claim he is through the many miracles that will be done in his name.

The Holy Spirit, through the miracles and testimony of the servants of Christ, will show Jesus to be righteous. In the account of the healing of the man by the Beautiful Gate by the apostles Peter and John [Act 3:12-16], Peter made two points about the righteousness of Jesus.

  1. Such power as Peter exercised in the healing of the man at the Beautiful gate requires one to be righteous. It was not by his (i.e., Peter’s) own righteousness—godliness—that he was able to heal the man
  2. Part of the reason why God raised Jesus from the dead was because he was righteous. The Jews had condemned him, as though he was so vile, a murderer was better than him. God, however, evidently did not agree with their condemnation of Jesus Christ as unrighteous for he raised him from the dead. [Act 3:14-15]
  3. The healing of the man was in the Name of Jesus Christ, and he could be healed in Jesus Name because Jesus is indeed righteous. This confirms that Jesus is righteous for God would not have granted such if Jesus was not righteous. So, the healing of the paralytic man was a testimony that the world is guilty in killing Jesus, a righteous man.

So then, the Holy Spirit convicts the world of guilt in regard to righteousness by showing to the world, through miracles done in Jesus Name, that Jesus whom the world condemned, was/is righteous.

On another occasion, the Sanhedrin had this to say,

“We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name,” he said. “Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.” [Act 5:28]

The guilt the high priest is talking about is not killing Jesus—they didn’t deny they did—but killing a righteous man, someone who did not deserve on any account to die.

Miracles, signs and wonders were being done in Jesus Name were proof that Jesus was not lying when he said he was the Son of God, for which reason they killed him, and that he was righteous, for God would not have done the miracles in Jesus Name if Jesus was unrighteous.

They were not denying that they had gotten Jesus killed, the guilt the apostles were bringing on them was proving that Jesus was righteous and did not deserve on any account to have been killed.

Because I Am Going to the Father, Where You Can See Me No Longer

  1. The miracles in Jesus Name are because Jesus is in God’s presence.

“I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” [Joh 14:12-14]

  1. The fact that Jesus was able to go to the Father is because he is righteous, for no human being has ever been to enter the Father’s very presence, nor can go there because of sin [Joh 7:33; 8:21; 13:33].
  2. Therefore, since the miracles confirm that he is in heaven with the Father, and he couldn’t be if he were not righteous, the miracles prove that Jesus Christ is righteous, in fact, clearly, the most righteous man ever! And so, the Spirit, through miracles, shows the world to be guilty of killing a righteous man, the most righteous man ever.

Joh 16:11 in regard to judgment, because the prince of this kosmos now stands condemned

(We should not miss the fact that all these guilts have to do with the testimony of the Spirit about the Son.)

The guilt of the world in regard to judgment is in the fact that they rejected and dishonoured the one to whom God the Father has committed all judgments which demands that all honour him. The condemnation of the prince of this world is on account of the glorification of Jesus Christ [Joh 12:23,31]

The condemnation of the prince of this world means that there is no rivalry or opposition to Jesus as the Lord and Judge of the world.

Jesus the Rejected Judge

Jesus, by appointment of the Father, is the Judge of the whole world [Joh 5:22]. Jesus as Judge of all is Lord of all. Therefore, rejecting Jesus is rejecting the one appointed by God as Lord and Judge of All.

As Judge, Jesus ought to have had the respect and honor of the whole world. Since it is the Father who made him Judge, then it is the Father’s will that Jesus be honored by all.

“Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.” [Joh 5:22-23]

“I am not seeking glory for myself; but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge.” [Joh 8:50]

Rejecting Jesus, even killing him, is, therefore, an insult to him (and indeed to the Father who appointed him).

“I am not possessed by a demon,” said Jesus, “but I honor my Father and you dishonor me.” [Joh 8:49]

Jesus as Judge and the Condemnation of the Prince of this World

As Jesus said, “No one can serve two master” [Mat 6:27]. Since the world currently has a prince over it, the appointment of Jesus by the Father as Judge, which means that he too has been appointed Prince [Act 5:31], over the world means that the former prince must, one way or another, whether by will or by force, be removed from power. Certainly, the Lord Jesus and the devil cannot be Lord of the world at the same time, one has to give way for the other, there is no harmony or agreement between them [2Co 6:15-16]. It can never happen.

In connection to his glorification, Jesus said,

“Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out.” [Joh 12:31]

This is to say that it is as a result of Jesus’ glorification that the prince of this world will be cast out and as a result the world will be judged. The glorification of Jesus Christ would result in the driving out of the current prince of this world, thus, destroying the opposition to his authority and establishing him as the sole ruler and judge.

Jesus continued (with John’s expository comment following),

“But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.” He said this to show the kind of death he was going to die.” [Joh 12:32-33]

The lifting up of Jesus is an indication of his crucifixion. Therefore, on account of his crucifixion, the nations will be brought under the authority of Jesus.

In summary, Jesus’ exaltation as Lord and Judge requires

  1. The casting out of the current prince of this world. This depends on the glorification of the Lord Jesus. Now, the glorification of our Lord Jesus Christ is not only speaking of his resurrection from the dead but also of his establishment as Lord of all which requires the next point, i.e., drawing all men to himself.
  2. The drawing of all men to himself, which is through the preaching of the Gospel and is made possible and legal by his death on the cross. The kind of death mattered.

So then, the condemnation of Satan means that Jesus’ position as Lord and Judge of all is without opposition and so the world must answer to the Judge they rejected.

King David and King Saul

The present situation and crisis is like it once was in Israel when there were two men anointed by God as King of Israel—Saul and David. Apparently, just as with the anointing of David as King meant that God had rejected Saul as King, so too it is now. The fact that God has appointed another as Lord and Judge and Prince of all the earth, clearly means that He has rejected the former prince.

The Israelites had a dilemma, they could not submit to both Saul and David, it had to be one, both had legitimacy and whoever they chose, they would be offending the other. Thus, they had to choose wisely. Of course, those who were truly after the will of God would follow David for he was clearly the choice of God. The people ought to have known that to reject David was not only a dishonor to David but also an offence to God.

God our Father has rejected Satan and as appointed His Son Jesus Christ.

Condemning the Prince of this World

The condemnation of Jesus Christ, the righteous and sinless Son of God, by Pilate was of the devil for it was the devil that handed Jesus over to be condemned

“Jesus answered, ‘You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore, the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.’” [Joh 19:11]

This condemnation of Jesus, being unlawful and unjustified makes, and because he is the Son of God, is a great sin of which the devil is so guilty.

The devil ensured his own destruction by making his move against the Son of God and condemning him unjustly. In trying to hinder Christ’s Lordship, he ended up ensuring it by making him his enemy, ensuring that he would be removed while Christ remained sole Lord.

The reason why the Father called Jesus up to his right hand was because there were enemies against his rule and Lordship. Now, the exaltation of Jesus to the highest place shows that, next to the Father, he has the highest authority.

How the Spirit Convicts the World of Guilt With Regard to Judgment

By showing that Jesus whom the world rejected is indeed Judge and he shows this by showing that he is indeed exalted to the highest place.

It is on account of the glorification of Jesus that we received the gift of the Holy Spirit, and on account of his exaltation that the Spirit does miracles, signs and wonders in his name.

These miracles by the Spirit in the Name of Jesus then prove that he is indeed Judge of all and are a living witness to the guilt of the world in rejecting and killing the one appointed as their Lord and Judge.